I burnt my hand today in chemistry. Well it was only my middle finger. Oddly enough, other then the expression noted above I didn't say anything. I'm an idiot really. What happens when you warm something up with a flame... expecially glass you ask? It gets hot, and when you remove it from a ring stand it burns exposed flesh. Oh yah! I'm an idiot.
So there is this thing in math that all the profs rely on to teach us how to do reletivly difficult math. It's called Maple. It's a computer program, which works about the same as a graphing calculator, accept much larger and maybe only a little smarter. It's one of those not fun kind of concepts that teachers have introduced into our classrooms in Eau Claire. I don't know if they do it at Stout but if they do, I understand your pain. My prof today was saying "Just copy and paste. It will work just fine." Serious booger moments while doing the project. I did that classic movie move of pulling off my glasses, throwing them across the table and rubbing my eyes. The thing about it is that I meant it.
Anywoop, I think it's time to go to my meeting. They (the physics staff) are doing a "Physics Thursday" lecture of reasearch opertunites within the department. Undergrad reasearch on my resume would be a good thing. Ahh well. My laptop battery is telling me it's time to pack up.
Oh before I go.

Peace Mama Jama
~~Kayla Jo