Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Fractured Thought Process.

So... I wrote a program, basically what it does is counts from 1 to 100 and then calculates the squares. The problem is it skips even numbers. Isn't that how life works sometimes? We just skip the even numbers? The numbers that make most sense to us and we just fly on like nothing's missing. I have this feeling (I know we can't attach feelings to it) but Jesus is those even numbers, fits all the gears back into place so there isn't any more skips.

Those of you on a college campus every day, ever watch two people making out and just want to hit them in the back of the head screaming about the unsaved world and saving virtue for the man who wants to protect you forever? I really wanted to today. However the boy was big and the girl looked kind of mean. Still didn't change the fact. I think I have a problem with rage and that kind of thing sets me on sideways. I don't know why. I meant the makingout in public not the rage thing sending me into rage. That would be odd. Of course, I have a feeling that the rest of today is going to be odd.

I get to go and Gravimetrisize my alum today, and then I get to do something in Maple (and evil comp program that I've talked about before) and then I get to go to a "Physics Thursday" and then I get to go buy pants. and do Calculus. :) okay. I'm done. I can't write anymore without thinking to self "self... what are you talking about?" and the response will inveriable be "self... I don't know."

Later All.



At 7:17 AM, Blogger Danielle said...

I like the part "and then I get to go buy pants".


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