To post or not to post
Shoo... it has been a long time since I've done the old Post dance. I don't know that I even remember the steps. In the time that I've been away I've made new friends, learned that trusting people is okay, found out that I'm okay with me, and understood more and more each day how profound this life is and how much greater the next will be. If God gives us this life (even though it's filled with a bunch of icky and no good) to make only one decision, can you imagine what the next one will be?
I don't have a picture yet, but if you ask I'll show you... I have a new painting on the canvas that is my skin, and it's officially in color, and now that it is, it looks HUGE. AHH well, how cool is it to have a simile of one of God's very own paintings permently etched into your skin.
It's my parents anniversery today (the 25th) and in order to celebrate it I bought them junk food. Oh, and gave them a card expressing my true feelings on them, their marriage, and what I think about their relationship with my brother and I... perfuse thankfulness (you thought I was going to say something awful didn't you)
Any Holler and hootininy. My hand itches something fierce!! It's terrible the itching (the warts are dying, my skin is healing and my entire hand hates me). On that note I believe I've fullfilled my obligation of posting for miss bishop. And I'm going to leave you with this picture, of something that might scare you... the beginning stages of my research *dun dun DUUUUNNNN* or maybe I'll be saving that for later as blogger is refusing to hurt you with this image of a light curve... maybe I can leave you with something lighter... nope not that either. Not important. Peace out guys... God bless.
~Kayla Jo
You should TOTALLY post a picture of it. I saw it, but didn't realize it was new (just thought I hadn't noticed before!)
It looked superb!
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