*Instert random song title here*
SOO, as you may have gathered, it's been a long while since I've posted. a long while. At this moment it is 11:55 in the PM on December the thirty-first of the year of our Lord two thousand and seven. And what of it you may ask? What possessed me to post after such a long sabbatical away from the blog board? The answer? I don't know. There you have it. actually it's my mood, and a foul one it is dear sirs and madams. and for such a silly reason as well. I come into my domicile, the one where all my clothing resides, and I think to myself I would love to ring in the new year playing cribbage with my father (fair enough) I wonder to the basement of said domicile where father is playing a round of computerized texas hold'em and ask him "do you wish to play cribbage with me?" Thinking to myself since he hasn't talked to a human for over two days perhaps it would be best. "No, I don't feel like it, I just started this... Make sure you check that the door is locked and the light is off, you left them both last night." It hurt, I don't know why, perhaps I should expect it. Such a silly thing to be upset about but still a little saddening and something that kind of pulls a person up short. It makes me feel like I live here but I don't exist here. I'm water slipping through their fingers and they don't even know it.
I gather from the noise outside that the new year has begun and the old year has been put to rest. Good night and God bless.