Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Process of Decaffination

I'm tired. And I'm poor, so short of sleep I cannot use the nationally excepted way of waking up (IE caffine) cuz I can't afford it. It all started like this: I bounced a check to the church, only my bank payed it and then payed the overdraw fee. "You have no money, so we're going to punish you for having no money, so you'll have less then no money." but that got all fixed and now I'm learning how to not spend money willy nilly, on things that I don't need. Here comes in the massive withdrawel headache and the mild desire to be in bed with PJ's and complete darkness. But the headache is getting better and the odd feeling of floating is going away, so it's safe to say withdrawel is almost over and cravings will soon follow into the dark abyss of forgotten desires. But anyhoot. The next three days will tell me if I can give it up or not. Huzzah for the snippy attitude being gone! Peace Ya'll.